Shire of Denmark
Shire Climate Actions
Denmark Shire actively tracks and shares progress on its climate actions. You can see the Shire’s climate plans and the latest status of actions at: climateaction.denmark.wa.gov.au
The Shire of Denmark rests on Minang and Bibbulmun Noongar Country, spanning from the Hay River in the east near the townsite of Denmark, out to the Frankland River, near Peaceful Bay and Nornalup in the west.
Our vision is ‘A vibrant coastal community, connected to the environment, living the village lifestyle’.
About the Shire
The Shire of Denmark is home to a passionate, diverse community who reside across the four town sites of Denmark, Peaceful Bay, Bow Bridge and Nornalup. Local industries include agriculture, education, health services, cottage industries, hospitality, tourism, fishing, aquaculture, building and trades, earthmoving and construction industries, mechanical services, healing and wellbeing, organics, viticulture, artisans and crafts, and environmental research and sustainability.
Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing is the largest sector for economic output, exports and our largest employer.
At a glance

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Get in Touch
Shire of Denmark
953 South Coast Highway
For further information related to biodiversity management and sustainability best practice please contact Sustainability Officer Yvette Caruso on (08) 9848 0300 or enquiries@denmark.wa.gov.au
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Municipal Profile
The Shire of Denmark is located on the south coast of Western Australia, approximately 400km south of Perth. It is comprised of an area the size of 1,860km2, with a coastline covering 84km, and is one of 36 biodiversity global hotspots with an area of high conservation value due to the level of species richness and endemism. The Shire of Denmark features a remarkable array of landscapes, seascapes and waterways, which support a unique range of flora and fauna and are integral to the Denmark community’s way of life. The Shire consists of a wide variety of vegetation types, and is particularly renowned for its magnificent stands of tall Karri trees (Eucalyptus diversicolor).
The Shire recognises that our natural environment is highly valued and is committed to careful management to meet the needs of our community now and in the future.
Climate Priorities
The effect of human-induced global climate change has in recent years emerged as having increasing impacts upon biodiversity, human health and natural values. It has become paramount for the developed world and governments to act as leaders in the global community to implement sustainable practices, mitigation actions and adaptation strategies to address impacts from a changing climate.
Denmark Shire Council declared a climate emergency in September 2019, and endorsed our Sustainability Strategy 2021 – 2031 in March 2021.
Our Sustainability Strategy ‘will guide the future vision for how we live and what we do’ and outlines 10 sustainability pillars with associated key principles and objectives covering the following areas: Health and Happiness, Equity and Local Economy, Culture and Community, Land and Nature, Sustainable Water, Local and Sustainable Food, Sustainable Travel and Transport, Sustainable Materials and Products, Zero Waste and Zero Carbon Energy.
The Shire of Denmark Sustainability Program encompasses the following:
- Bushland, Coastal and Foreshore Reserve Management – strategic reserve management planning and implementation of actions related to management plans
- Flora and Fauna Protection – biodiversity preservation and protection
- Invasive Species Management – mitigation of threats from weeds, ferals and pathogens through invasive species control programs
- Native Vegetation Clearing – environmental impact assessments and provision of technical expertise and advice related to native vegetation clearing enquiries
- Waterways – management of waterways for nutrient control in agriculture, salinity control and protection of riparian vegetation
- Sustainability – facilitation of best sustainable practice for Shire operations and community oriented sustainability programs